
Vocational-Skills-Education is the way to go Bishop Zoreka said.

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Parents have been encouraged to enroll their children into vocational skills training. These words were spoken by the Bishop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi, the Right Reverend Dan Zoreka, during a graduation ceremony that was held at Holy Cross Guesthouse Nyakatare. On this graduation, 65 students graduated in different vocations such as Tailoring and Knitting, Salon and hairdressing, Baking and Weaving.

The bishop in his words. Said he joins the government in the campaign of skilling Ugandans so that they can fight the problem of unemployment among the youth.

The Diocesan Education coordinator, Reverend Stella Arineitwe informed our reporter that the students were examined by the Ministry of Education and Sports under the Directorate of Industrial Training where most of the students passed with credits and distinctions.  

In the words of the Diocesan head of laity, Can Ben Kurigamba thanked the administration of the Diocese for establishing such an institution which targets the local people.

The principle of the mother’s union Vocational Training centre, Mrs. Shallon Baryabasa compelled the grandaunts to be good ambassadors out there by sharing exemplary characters and skills as well as encouraging other girls to join this great institution.


This institution was started under the mother’s union department of the Diocese of Kinkiizi to enable the girl child empowerment as well as women who did not go far in education ladders.

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