Thousands of Christians in Kanungu district have gathered at Kirenzi Prayer Mountain

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Thousands of Christians in Kanungu district have gathered at Kirenzi Prayer Mountain for fasting and prayer.

Christians totaling to more than 3 thousand have today gathered at kirenzi to fast and pray to the Lord, a program that was scheduled by the diocese of kinkiizi mission department. This morning, they were visibly observed climb up to the top of Kirenzi hill, visibly thirsty for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the several preachers’ words which were originating from the Bible verse John 10:10 which say that the thief comes to steal Kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance. 

These preachers included, Emily Turyasingura of Nyamwegabira, Rev Mutabazi Emmanuel, Solomon Jesus and the Diocesan Secretary Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole who closed the one day fasting with a blessing. (DS Rev Kenneth Kanyankole)

He further pledged that the premises of this prayer ground will be renovated so that by the next time in May this year, it will be looking improved.

Rev James Kabagambe who was at the front line of preparing there prayer and fasting missions at Kirenzi prayer mountain categorically said that Kigezi region needs Gospel revival like the one that happened in Gahini-Rwanda, now that the boarders are still closed.  

(Rev James Kabagambe: The Diocesan Missioner)

This fasting and prayer mission for all Christians in the dioceses is the last one of its kind that has followed the two others which were for Reverends and then the Lay readers respectively.