Nyakatare Primary School receives the 100 iron sheets pledge from Dr. James Musinguzi Garuga
It was a joyful day at Nyakatare Primary School when receiving iron sheets that we were previously pledged by Dr. James Musinguzi Garuga towards the Reconstruction of the classroom block that was destroyed by the 11th May 2022 hailstorm that left several structures in Kanungu devastated.
 It is well known that many banana plantations, maternity ward at Katate health center 4, Makiro Primary School, Kanungu FM building and radio must, and several other structures were destroyed by this hail storm.
Upon receiving the 100 green iron sheets which are 16 m long, the bishop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi, the Right Reverend Dan Zoreka, thanked all people who have contributed to the Reconstruction of this classroom block but most especially Dr. James Musinguzi for this beautiful contribution.
So far the classroom block is ready for roofing whereby the beam and the wooden bars are already hung in place waiting for these iron sheets to be laid by the end of this week.
It is expected that next school term this classroom block will be ready for pupils to study from it.