Kinkiizi Diocesan Clergy have been called upon to know God and make him Known

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Kinkiizi Diocesan Clergy have been called upon to know God and make him Known

All priests in the diocese of Kinkiiz have been challenged to know God and make him known, and this can easily be done through evangelism.

This was said by the Diocesan secretary, Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole at the one day fasting of all clergy of the diocese of Kinkiizi at Kirenzi Prayer Mountain.

Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole appreciated the services rendered by the Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Dan Zoreka whereby he has tirelessly stood firm amidst the difficulties that the dioceses have been facing.

The guest speaker Rev Can Charles Busingye thanked God for bringing together all clergy, thereby encouraging them

  • to be united
  • love one another,
  • hate evil
  • preach the word of God
  • seeking the lost sheep
  • accepting the power of the Holy Spirit to empower them

So that they can effectively witness God’s salvation, in Kinkiizi Diocese and the world at large.

 The mission’s coordinator, Rev James Kabagambe, called for unity among the church leaders as well as proclaims the Good news of Jesus Christ.

This day of prayer and fasting at Kirenzi Prayer Mountain is usually held once at every beginning of the year with an aim that the Reverends can seek for god’s guidance as they start the year.

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