Diocesan Report to Synod May 2021
Diocesan Report to the 2nd Session of the 6th Diocesan Synod 28th May 2021 at St.Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare.
Presented by: Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole
- The Rt.Rev.Dan Zoreka
- Maama Florah Zoreka
- The Guest Preacher
- Heads of department
- Archdeacons
- Head of Laity – Can.Ben Kuriigamba
- Nyineeka – Can.Onesmus Turyahabwa
- Bishop’s Commissary – Rev.Can.Charles Busingye
- All the Clergy
- All the delegates
- All the invited guests
- Ladies and gentlemen
The Rt.Rev.Dan Zoreka & Maama Florah Zoreka
The Rt.Rev.Dan Zoreka The Guest Preacher
Ven.Rev.Danson Tumwebaze
Masiko Johnson Wise –
Guest SpeakerHead of Laity –
Can.Ben KuriigambaNyineeka –
Can.Onesmus Turyahabwa
Bishop’s Commissary – Rev.Can.Charles Busingye
Greetings and appreciation:
My Lord Bishop, the Rt Rev Dan Zoreka, allow me to welcome you to this 2nd Session of the 6th Synod. I am grateful to God for your servant leadership in this Diocese for the last 11 years. To God be the Glory.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come to St.Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare to discuss important matters of Diocese of Kinkiizi. Thank you for your faithful ministry during these un usual times of COVID-19 pandemic. I commend each one of you for the work you are doing wherever the Lord has placed you to serve Him and advance His Kingdom. May the Lord’s name be praised. The past year 2020 and this part of 2021, have been very eventful and quite challenging but in all we say “Embabazi”. Thus far the Lord has helped us (1Samuel 7:12). We may be weary, but we can never tire of proclaiming the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Pastoral and administrative units:
Diocese of Kinkiizi has 11 Archdeaconries, 61 parishes and 197 sub parishes. Holistic ministry is being carried out under three components; evangelism and discipleship, healing and teaching. Several achievements have been registered at all these units. We are grateful to all church leaders and Christians for cooperation, team work and unity that led to all the wonderful ministry.

Diocesan Quota:
This is to inform you that three parishes have completed 2021 Diocesan Quota. They are Burora, Kashaayo and Kancereere. 4 Parishes have balances less than 5 M. They are Butogota, Nyamirama, Kangarame and Buhoma. 54 parishes are between 10m and 45 M. Parishes are encouraged to submit their quotas at the right time for proper operations.
Appreciation goes to all heads of department and support staff for team spirit and hard work that led us to strengthen the ministry in Kinkiizi. All Archdeacons, Pastors, Layreaders and all delegates have done a lot of work. Thank you and God bless you. I am happy to report that both office based and field based staff are performing according to their abilities and gifts.

lay-readers training at our Bible Training school.
76 persons are being trained to become lay readers at our Bible Training school. They were affected by COVID-19 Pandemic, but Plans are underway to help them resume and complete their training.
Mothers Union Vocational Training center – Nyakatare.
This training center aims at equipping girls with vocational skills that will help them to earn a living. We have so far trained 290 since its inception. The skills acquired include; Saloon and Hair dressing, Knitting and Tailoring. Students now sit directorate of education standard – Ministry of Education and Sports Exams. Plans are underway to upgrade this institution.
C.O.U Bwindi Community Hospital:
I would like to appreciate Dr.Birungi Edwin Mutahunga, the Eexecutive Director of C.O.U Bwindi Community Hospital for steering the team and for the developments taking place. We hope with the establishment of new structures that include
1.New structures:
- Premium ward and lecture theatre,
- maternity expansion,
- mothers waiting home expansion,
- St. Luke’s chapel,
- additional administration block, and
- new medical ward/intensive care unit nearing completion.
- Maternity ward Expansion
- Three blocks for staff accommodation
- Uganda Nursing School Bwindi
- Doubled capacity of the hospital from 65 to 130
- Hospitality: doubled capacity of Bwindi guest house
- 20 acres of land for hospital expansion
- Started Uganda College of Health Sciences Bwindi, Nyamwegabira campus.
—————-more improvements will be experienced in service delivery.
Proposed Maternal and Child Health Hospital:
Nyakatare health centre III is one of the health units we have in the Diocese of Kinkiizi. It serves the entire population of Kanungu Town where the District headquarters are situated. With the increased population, the Diocese made a resolution to plan for a second hospital on top of C.O.U Bwindi Community Hospital. The infrastructure to begin with is in place that includes rooms for operating theatre among others. There is need to have required equipment and human resource for proper functionality.
Child Development centres:
Iam happy to report that the six child development centre are functioning well with a committed staff with a clear objective of eradicating poverty in Jesus’ name. Children are to be known, loved and protected. These centres are found at the following parishes; Kayungwe, Rutenga, Kambuga, Rushaka, Butogota and Kajugangoma. We are grateful to Compassion International for their great support.
Nyamirama Community development project.
This project is based in Nyamirama subcounty and Nyamirama Town council. With funding from KNH Germany, 148 SHGs were formed. 2628 women have been trained in different skills. 165 youth have also been trained. Our memorandum of understanding with KNH on this project will end in July 2022.
Kihiihi – Nyanga preparatory project:
The Diocese has strengthened partnership with KNH which has resulted into a new project called Kihiihi Nyanga community development project that started in April 2020. So far 36 self help groups have been formed with 596 members. Trainings have started and we hope KNH will support this programme for the next six years.
Batwa Development programme.
The BDP, supports Batwa families in several areas that include spiritual and social-economic needs. We are grateful to Kellerman foundation for their financial support. So far 300 children are being supported in education. The total number of Batwa that are under this programme is 1100
Building Section:
The Diocese of Kinkiizi has registered tremendous achievements in building/ construction section among which include;
- Construction of 2(two) Diocesan staff houses/homes,
- Purchased a flat located in Bukoto Kampala for income generation,
- Constructed a storied building at Nyamwegabira C.O.U currently occupied by Uganda College of Health Sciences-Bwindi,
- Purchased a pension house building located opposite St. Andrew’s C.O.U Kihiihi,
- Construction of Hope House in Kambuga,
- Two Bandas at Hollycross Guest House
- several church structures have been constructed.
Lands Section: The Diocese of Kinkiizi has endeavored to preserve church land as a heritage for the church of the Province of Uganda while at the same time managing it in a way that glorifies God. This has been attained through developing a Diocesan Lands Directorate (DLD)/inventory entailing all Diocesan pieces of land. Land titling/surveying process for all Diocesan pieces of land is ongoing. So far 40(forty) pieces of land titles have been secured. The Diocese has purchased 23(twenty three) Pieces of land.
Water Sector:
The Diocese has done the following in water sector; Construction of 13 springs, 5(five) Gravity Flow Schemes have been constructed i.e. Kifunjo GFS, Kiringa GFS, Nyambizi GFS and Ruheza GFS, Rain water harvesting systems constructed in churches and institutions totaling to 14 (fourteen). 14(fourteen) VIP lined latrines and 3(three) modern bath shelters have been constructed. 2(two) underground water pumping systems have been constructed i.e. for Bishop’s residence and Nyakatare Hill, Procurement of a surface water pump for Ramsden Guest House water system and Installation of a hot water running system (water heaters) at Bishop’s residence.
Water and lands purchased:
Silver Jubilee Project.
The Diocesan Synod made a resolution to have Silver Jubilee Project. My Lord Bishop and members, Iam happy to state that rehabilitation of this project is at 50%. We have planned to make Ngoto tourism hotel functional by June 2021.
Capacity building and mindset change.Several trainings have been conducted among the leaders and the community members of the 61 parishes in the diocese. These have been empowered with knowledge and skills to carry out sustainable development activities at individual, household and community levels.
Agriculture and food security: In response to food insecurity in our communities the Diocese has trained farmers and community members in modern methods of farming and banana management. We have also distributed 20,000 citrus oranges seedlings and 15000 mango seedlings. Many farmers are now involved in chicken projects, fish farming, piggery, and animal husbandry due to the knowledge gained from these trainings.
Strategic Planning at all levels.With the presence of the 10 years diocesan strategic plan 2016-2025, all the leadership structures have been trained in planning. Planning workshops are always held every year from parish level to diocesan level. These have helped the diocese to run and implement activities according to the budgets and work plans as laid down by different committee’s thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness in performance. This strategic plan is nearing the completion period we need to begin preparing ourselves to start the process of having a new SP.
The diocese has new secondary schools namely:
Nyarugunda Secondary School. Kyeshero Vocational Secondary School. Nyanga Community Secondary School. Happy Valley Mafuga Secondary School. These so far have had their pioneer classes sit UCE exams, and their performance is promising.
Mission (Kirenzi prayer mountain and dokaysco)
Conclusion: I thank you again for your commitment to serve God and His Church. I wish you excellent deliberations in this Synod meeting. To God be the Glory.