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Bishop Dan Zoreka implored the Christians in the Diocese of Kinkiizi to go for vaccination.

He said this yesterday (Sep 24, 2021, 10:06 AM) while meeting with all the archdeacons of the diocese at St.Peter’s Cathedral Nyakatare. This meeting was following the Wednesday 22nd September National address by the president of Uganda which announced the easing on the restrictions during which he allowed normal operations of the church but limited to 200 people per congregation.

Bishop Zoreka hence encouraged the church leaders to make sure that the SOPs are adhered to, such as establishing hand washing facilities, temperature guns and ensuring social distance in the sitting arrangements during church services.

(Sound Clip)

The Bishop further encouraged the archdeacons and priests in their various parishes to encourage all their Christians who are above the age of 18 years to go for vaccination against COVID-19 so as to defeat this virus pandemic.

Most of the archdeacon promised to make programs that will make the children and youth active through this period, now that the schools are not yet open.

The Bishop concluded by promising the Christian of the diocese of kinkiizi with holistic ministry, encouraging both parents and children to reflect on how the Lord Jesus Christ has been faithfull to them

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