Be Friend-raisers not Fundraisers: Rev Can Kanyankole said

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Church leaders in the Diocese of Kinkiizi were called upon to take on the new strategy of friend-raise rather than fund-raise. This call was made by the Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Kinkiizi, Rev. Can. Kenneth Kanyankole while officially opening the 4th Diocesan Rehabilitation workshop at Kambuga archdeaconry grounds on the 28th October 2021. He further called upon the participants who included all the Archdeaconry clergy, lay readers, Church development officers, Mothers Union leaders, Fathers Union Leaders, Youth Leaders, Christian women fellowship Leaders, Senior Church Wardens and Lay Canons to avoid stress but instead love one another as they do ministry among the Christians.


During the devotion session, these church leaders were also called upon by the Diocesan Cashier: Rev. Kiconco Herbert to allow the Holy Spirit to refill them spiritually, financially and socially since these participants are the ones that act as break-down vehicles which usually come to rescue other vehicles that have broken down on their journeys taking them to the garage. He challenged the participants by asking them what happens if the break-down vehicle breaks down. 

In these rehabilitation, the participants aired out the challenges they faced due to COVID-19 as well as the possible solutions to these problems. They admitted that this experience has taught them a lot of lessons pledging to go back in their respective parishes to curry out similar rehabilitation workshops.

What was the Challenge:

The Diocese of Kinkiizi noticed that its Christians have gone thru hard situations due to Corona Virus pandemic and has therefor embarked on this diocesan rehabilitation program that will run in each archdeaconry, a program that will run continuously till people cope up with the new normal.

This series of Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Workshop has so far been conducted in Kihihi, Nyamiyaga, Kambuga and Kanyantorogo archdeaconries as well as for the Bishop’s Office staff members

So far the common challenges being raise to have affected the people in the Diocese of Kinkiizi are as follows.

  1. Lack of money due to Collapse of businesses.
  2. Working without salaries hence high dependency ratio
  3. Severe sicknesses due to COVID-19 and related illnesses
  4. Death of our relatives due to Corona Virus
  5. Family Violence between Parents and also violence between parents and children.
  6. Early and Unwanted pregnancies among the youth
  7. Stress & Trauma among Christians due to Denial of Fellowship (Closure of Churches)
  8. Constant Putting on of Face Masks (Which is Uncomfortable)
  9. Children learnt and developed unruly behaviors due to idleness caused by lock-down.
  10. Failure to bury our deceased friends. This caused a mountain of grief among the people .
  11. Spiritual backsliding where by people are nowadays discouraged to go to church.
  12. Curfew Challenges.
  13. High rate of alcohol consumption.
  14. Accumulated loans and debts.
  15. False teaching / heresy.
  16. Infrastructure breakdown.
  17. Rumor-mongering/ misconception about COVID-19
  18. Use of online platforms which are expensive

All the above and others have caused people to live under stress and fear, making the whole environment being negative.  Stress and fear have led to anger; people have developed anger mountains thus low thinking capacity due to a lot anger.

Despite the several challenges put across the solutions to these challenges faced due to COVID-19, among which were suggested as follows.

  • Encouraging Christians to having alternative sources of income.
  • Making workshops to carry out guidance and cancelling sessions among the Christians.
  • Carrying out of Revival Mission crusades 
  • Laying new strategies of ministering to the people.
  • Counseling and guidance workshops among others the youth and children
  • The attitude of leaders and all other people would provide a solution to all the challenges.
  • Know people’s plans and strategic choices and then, guide them accordingly.
  • Continue to sensitize for observation of SoPs and vaccination

This series of Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Workshop will further be conducted in the remaining archdeaconry of Rutenga, Rugyeyo, All saints, Cathedral,  Nyamirama, Nyakinoni and Kayonza

One thought on “Be Friend-raisers not Fundraisers: Rev Can Kanyankole said

  • Dittus

    Hello Team,
    This is surely an amazing step in church.
    We bless the Lord for this.


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