2nd session of the 6th Diocesan synod
Church leaders were encouraged to sensitize masses about the deadly new wave of Corona virus. This warning was sounded by The Rt Hon Amama Mbaabzi during the 2nd session of the 6th Diocesan synod at St. Peters cathedral Nyakatare, a function that started with a Holy Communion service, followed by other activities like the Bishop’s charge, amendment of the Diocesan Constitution and the Diocesan report which was presented to the synod by Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole the Diocesan Secretary.
During this synod, Bishop Dan Zoreka announced the two priests, Rev Lawrence Birohozo and Rev Peace Niwamanya as Clergy-Canons. This Title only comes after exhibition of out-standing services in church ministry.
Rt Hon John Patric Amama Mbaabzi who was in attendance with his wife Canon Jackline Mbaabzi, pledged to partner with some noble women in the diocese such as Hon Kinshaba Patience Nkunda, Peace Ndyabahika and the diocesan women ministry coordinator to fund-raise and purchase the department’s vehicle to run women ministry activities.
The same Synod passed a resolution that Rev Justus Tibesigwa must apologies to the entire diocese and the bishop publicly and go ahead to refund the money he allegedly stole form the UNRA road compensation. Furthermore, other Christians who post misleading information intended to tarnish the diocesan leadership were discouraged from the habit and categorically mentioned that “an attack on the Bishop, is an attack to the church.”
Also in attendance was Hon James Ruji Kaberuka, MP Kinkiizi West, Hon Kinshaba Patience Nkunda, Woman MP for Kanungu District, The Diocesan Chancellor – Counsel Jonathan Bwagi, Head of Laity – Canon Ben Kuriganba, Dr James Musinguzi Garuga, all archdeacons, Departmental Heads, Parish representatives, and many other delegates.
St Peter’s Cathedral Nyakatare is planned to be re-roofed with new versatile iron sheets. The Diocesan report which was presented to the synod by Rev Can Kenneth Kanyankole the Diocesan Secretary which was appreciated by the Synodians.