
71 Christians have been confirmed at Karubeizi COU

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71 Christians have been confirmed at Karubeizi Church of Uganda in the Diocese of Kinkiizi. (Tuesday 30th 2021) This service was done by the Rt.Rev Dan Zoreka, Bishop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi in a function that was scientific.

Bishop Dan in his remarks encouraged the Christians to work vigilantly through their church organs of Mothers union, Christian women fellowship, development committes, youth comittes, Sunday school and other fellowships while cooperating with each other.

The preacher of the day was Rev Kiconco who works as the Diocesan cashier, implored the Christians to follow the example of a good shepherd Jesus Christ by working hard on their different responsibilities. The Parish priest of Karubeizi Church of Uganda, Rev Prisca Karooro, coordinated this function which brought together christians from Rwangoboka Church of Uganda, Kanyambeho Church of Uganda, Nshaka Church of Uganda and the center Karubeizi Church of Uganda. 45 Females and 26 males were confirmed all together.

Maama Flora Zoreka cautioned the parents to prepare a safe environment for their students of P7 and S4 who are going to return home soon and encouraged them to make their children busy with work to do in order to avoid redundancy. 

In other news, there has been a colorful mission crusade at Kirenzi Prayer Mountain. (Tuesday 30th 2021) which attracted hundreds of Christians from different places of Kanungu District. Most of the were ending their fasting period which started on the Ash Wednesday which was on the 15th Feb this year. This mission was led by Rev James Kabagambe who works as the Diocesan Missioner whereas,  Rev canon James Munyambabazi and Mrs Emily the Healing and Deliverance prayer warrior of Nyamwegabira COU were the preaches who called for revival.     

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