
2021Children’s Day at Diocese of Kinkiizi

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Children’s Day 2021: The children of the Diocese of Kinkiizi – Child Development Centers celebrated Children’s day with a jubilant, musical, creative skills exhibition function at centenary grounds commonly known as Nyakatare Primary School Play Ground. This beautiful event took place on the 4th December 2021 with an open-air stage surrounded by elegant tents that contained all the Diocesan clerics, Children and youth from the six CDCs, National Director of Compassion international, Umbrella officers, Bwindi Hospital – Living Streams Choir all set to display the children’s talents.
The Rt. Rev. Dan Zoreka, Boshop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi graced the occasion emphasizing that children must be known, loved and protected so they can learn and grow and thrive and become all that God intends for them to be. He went ahead to thank Compassion international for its ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty.

Rev. Can Kenneth Kanyankole Speaking

Rev. Can. Kenneth Kanyankole who serves as the Diocesan Secretary congratulated the child development centers upon registering excellent candidates in the previous Primary Leaving Examinations as well as the form four (Uganda Certificate Examination) whereby some students were admitted in the best schools of Uganda. He jubilated in the fact that these children’s lives will be transformed forever. He emphasized that whatever we invest in children will never go waste.
Lenny Mugisha – the National Director of Compassion International in Uganda highlighted that Children are like a blank page, the children need to be prepared to look at the entire blank page, which could be filled with lots of good things. He told the children and parents not to focus more about the single black dot, which represents negative things.
Specially addressing the diocesan leadership and the children’s caretakers, he encouraged them to prepare their children with good values, spiritual focus, and prayerful life so that they will be able to accept anything good in life.
Further, he called upon the parents to give their children exposure to lots of opportunities so that they would focus on a career that is beneficial to the needs of the society. Instilling love for God, developing self-confidence, appreciating all good things and allowing them to take decisions will definitely make them good future citizens.

The National Director congratulated all those children who had been admitted in the best schools in the country by presenting to the gifts, accolades, certificates, admission letters and school equipment such as laptops and books.
He specially thanked project officers for their hard work ministry they are doing among the children and said that if children were encouraged, they would be confident enough to bring out their potential and talents.


He also strongly emphasized that “Let’s sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.”
More than a hundred and fifty schildren displayed their vocational skills, talents and hand made products in an exhibition, which contained items, and skills taught to these children from the 6 children development centers.
The previous day, Mr. Lenny Mugisha visited a one rural community of Kibimbiri where the Diocese of Kinkiizi is already doing some children ministry. He was amazed by the work done by the church and promised that upon the availability of resources, he would be glad to let compassion international partner further for better ministry to these poverty stricken children in this community.

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